
Showing posts from November, 2023

Being an empathetic human, but especially being an empathetic educator.

  Warning, this will be a long, sappy, and personal post without any actual teaching methods or materials being shared.   Well, hello there!  I have taken quite the hiatus from the blog.  To be honest the last two years of teaching were really hard and scary for me.  Coming back after Covid to full time school with students who were not used to paying attention all day, being around that many other people, being without their technology and also to some groups of parents in my state (and others) who wanted to say that teachers are pushing political agendas has not been for the faint of heart.  This school year has thankfully been so much better, which I will elaborate on more later. During the last two years I was questioning if I had it in me to continue teaching.  No joke, in 8th grade I decided I would become a German teacher and I held onto that, even when I moved to a high school that did not offer German and I had to take a three year break...